Global Journal of Economics and Finance

ISSN 2578-8795(Online) ISSN 2578-8809 (Print)

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Global Journal of Economics and Finance is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal published by Research Institute for Progression of Knowledge....

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RIPK operates a group of scholarly journals covering Arts, Business & Science. The editorial board welcomes you to join us as a reviewer...

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  • Online Submissions
  • Author Guidelines
  • Privacy Statement
  • Author Fees

Online Submissions 

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the e-mail to the editor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Author Guidelines

  1. Authors must ensure that their papers are free of spelling and grammatical errors and typos.
  2. Research papers should not exceed 8,000 words.
  3. A separate title page of an article should contain the title of the paper, name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s).
  4. The first page of an article should contain an abstract not exceeding 250 words and a maximum of eight keywords.
  5. Equations in the text should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals within simple brackets and aligned against the right margin.
  6. All appendices should be numbered consecutively using uppercase roman numerals and shown after the list of references.
  7. References should be cited within the text as follows: According to Wickremasinghe (2005), foreign exchange market … These results are inconsistent with those of other studies (Perera, 1995; Silva, 2000)
  8. List of references should show each citation in alphabetical order and follow the style of APA
  9. Author should register with the journal before submitting manuscripts.
  10. Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. The corrected manuscripts should be submitted, and the publication fee should be paid within 10 working days.
  11. The publication fee is 100 USD

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Author Fees

If the paper is accepted for publication, author(s) will be asked to pay 160 USD as article publication fee in order to defray the operating costs. Waiver policy is not applicable. Author(s) will be entitled to one copy of the printed journal with free of charge i.e. one printed copy is provided against one article disregarding the number of the authors. Authors can also get additional copies of the printed journal by paying 30 USD for each additional copy.

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